Key Points to Consider for SEO “MEDIUM PRIORITY”

Key Points to Consider for SEO “MEDIUM PRIORITY”

Create as much content as you can (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
Content is king. The more content you have on your site, the more there is to be indexed and appear in search engines.

Keep your site content inside one theme (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
theme or topic of your entire site is important as well. If you have a
lot of pages all around one basic theme, that will lend more credibility
to each page that follows that same theme.

Keep your site live as long as possible (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
Older pages (at the same domain) will rank higher than newer ones.

Create a sitemap (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
engines love sitemaps – not necessarily for ranking, but for finding
links on your site. It’s not critical that you create an XML sitemap or
Google sitemap, plain HTML sitemaps work just as well.

Create an XML sitemap or Google sitemap (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
engines love sitemaps – not necessarily for ranking, but for finding
links on your site. It’s not critical that you create an XML sitemap or
Google sitemap, plain HTML sitemaps work just as well.

Use 301 redirects for permanent redirects (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
you redirect your pages, you should always use a 301 http server
redirect. This tells the search engines that the redirect is permanent
and that they should change their index to use the new URL. Spammers use
other types of redirects (HTTP 302 redirects and meta refresh), so they
are not a good idea to use.

Put your keyword phrase in the first paragraph (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
of your keyword phrase is important in your content. But it’s
especially important in the first one or two paragraphs of text. And if
you can repeat it once in the first paragraph that will help up it’s

Put your keyword phrase at the top of the HTML (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
than just the first paragraph, you should try to move your content
towards the top of the HTML document. And that includes your keyword

Increase the font size of your keyword phrase (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
engines understand that fonts that are larger than the standard font
size on the page indicate text that is more important. Use CSS or the
font tag. Apply font size changes to headline tags as well.

Format your keyword phrases to stand out (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
<strong> and <em> where appropriate to make your keyword
phrases stand out. Search engines can read those tags, and will
recognize that text that is emphasized is often more important than the
surrounding text.

Periodically check your outbound links for pagerank (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
you add an external link on your site, you run the risk that it changes
from the site you linked to into a link farm or “bad neighborhood”. By
periodically checking the PageRank of the external sites you link to,
you can remove links that have gotten bad. This will help you make sure
that your page’s credibility is not reduced by who you are linking to.

Use Flash for non-critical pieces of a page (MEDIUM PRIORITY)
best use of Flash on websites is as small portions of the site,
preferably non-critical portions. Search engines can’t view Flash, they
see them as images. According to Google Webmaster Central, sites that
effectively use Flash “use Flash for rich media but rely on HTML for
content and navigation.”